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Diagramming Paris

Urban Design project wherein each student was assigned a city to analyze and represent in a series of creative diagrams focused on various visual design principles, such as: circulation, mass and void, hierarchy, shapes in space, and the grid.


UA Design Studio, Fall 2014, PLG 515

Ideal Proportions Project

Design project in four parts, creating images and three-dimensional models based on the numbers of ideal proportion systems such as the Golden Ratio, the Fibonacci Sequence, and the Modulor.


UA Design Studio, Fall 2014, PLG 515


Design project exploring the communication of spatial sequences in design such as approach and entry; threshold and transition; major and minor space.


UA Design Studio, Fall 2014, PLG 515

Urban System Diagrams

Early examples of figure-ground and other analytical diagrams created for Urban Systems course.  UNM, Fall 2012.

Albuquerque Indian Center grounds plan

Posters created by collaborative effort for design-build community development project (Best Student Poster, 2013 NMAPA Conference).  Slideshow includes early draft model images and photos from construction of garden during the final build phase. 

UNM Urban Design Studio, Spring 2013.

Group members included:  
SuOm Francis, Miriam Diddy, Claudia Denton, Weston Archuleta, Larry Salazar, Brandon Howe, Gabriel Moura, Robert Chacon, and myself

Central Corridor Study

Digital models created using Sketchup to show existing conditions and recommended interventions along a corridor in the I-25 and Central area of Albuquerque.  

UNM Urban Design Studio, Spring 2013.

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